Hi, I’m Craig, your drone pilot!

I have been interested in photography and drones for many years, but it wasn’t until I traveled to Turkey that I decided to purchase a drone. I went to Turkey to visit archeological sites connected to the Bible (ask me about it - it was an amazing trip!). While I was there I had many opportunities to watch and learn from a professional drone pilot. The photos and footage communicated our experience on the trip differently than I could ever imagine. I knew immediately that I needed a drone (if I could convince my wife).

Craig Bertram Higher Ground Drone Productions Drone Photography and Videography in Minneapolis

Craig Bertram


As a full time pastor for many years, I know the power of communication that is based on sharing an experience rather than just information. Adding photos or video footage of a business or work place, development, house for sale, park or attraction in your community allows you to share an experience of a site or location in a different way.

Craig Bertram. Higher Ground Drone Productions. Minneapolis

I developed Higher Ground Drone Productions because of my passion for sharing experiences. The name communicates two things:

First, who I am as a person who believes in Jesus. I hope and pray my faith, values, morals, and my professional and personal life reflects the “Higher Ground” of Christian Faith. Of course that doesn’t mean that I expect to take footage of just churches or religious archeological sites, but it is who I am, even if it never comes up in conversation!

Secondly, I like the idea of “Higher Ground” meaning the perspective that a drone provides. Even if it is just checking on the roof damage of an apartment building or monitoring the progress of a building site, the perspective allowed by a drone is incredible. Adding the beauty of the horizon, sunlight, the tops of trees, or getting a whole property in a picture allows you to see and experience a location in a new way. Drone footage can also call attention to a highlight of a setting that maybe can’t be noticed from the ground.

In August of 2021 I became a FAA Certified and Licensed Drone Pilot (renewed July 2023). I have insurance as a drone operator. My drones are registered and are compliant with all requirements for the USA. I also am registered and EASA certified to legally fly in the EU. I am working on permits/authorization for Israel and Turkey.

The Western Wall. Higher Ground Drone.

The Western Wall - Temple Mount, Jerusalem

Via Tauri. Higher Ground Drone.

The “Via Tauri” (ancient Roman Road) St. Paul would have walked. Turkey.

I like to think of myself as having a good eye for photography, and being creative, reliable, fast, and efficient.

I stay current with technology and can offer footage and pictures in different formats (edited or raw files, a completed product or individual files). My schedule is very flexible. I have lived in the north-metro of the Twin Cities for many years, where I have raised my family and know my way around. I am happy to travel to different locations, within reason.

My family:

I am married and have four adult children, who live in beautiful locations where I love to fly my drone, therefore I am looking for any excuses to travel to Texas and Colorado. Also, if anyone wants to fund a drone trip to any international biblical sites, I am your guy!

Bosphorus Strait. Higher Ground Drone.

My wife, Margery, and me at the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul

Craig Bertram. Higher Ground Drone.

Our family at Lake Superior

Bear Creek in Lakewood, Colorado (near my daughter’s house)