A Public Service Anncmnt (PSA): Cancer

Public Service Announcement (PSA)
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)

Like many men my age I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer.   Most often prostate cancer is slow growing and requires no intervention or minimal treatment.  Most people diagnosed with this form of cancer pass away from old age rather than cancer.  

Unfortunately for me, my PSA, biopsy results and DNA testing indicate that I will need to have my prostate removed.  I am expecting a full recovery after surgery.

I have had several opinions and have seen to two specialists. I am grateful we found the cancer early (hip pre-op lab tests).  And both Margery and I are doing well. 

I have scheduled the surgery for Monday July 24th, 2023.  

Lent, Easter, Turkey Trip, Confirmation, and the Servant Event will all be completed. This is also a small window of nothing scheduled before the fall schedule starts getting busy.   

The surgeon says it will be a minimum of four weeks recovery.  Maybe I can fly the drone during that time?

So all this is to say get your PSA (prostate-specific antigen) checked. It’s a simple blood draw. It’s not a perfect test, but for some (like me) it can be a good indicator that something should be looked into further!

And I request your payers (for myself and Margery) as we go through this odd and unexpected journey!


Scripture in Stone


Restaurant recommendation from Israel!!