Athens - Last day

Saturday May 20,2023

Last day of a fabulous trip and feeling so grateful for all of the opportunities to learn new things and make new connections related to the biblical world. Also grateful for the wonderful people with whom we’ve been privileged to spent this time, and Jim our biblical studies leader. Saying goodbye to various little groups today as we all head home to different parts of the USA.

Today we toured the Greek and Roman agora’s, and several other archeological sites within Athens. Seems like Athens is now as it must have been then - busy , cosmopolitan, noisy, beautiful - and the beautiful little Christian churches seeming like a quiet small presence. But God did great things through individual and seemingly small voices like Paul and Peter and John whose footsteps we’ve tracked these 3 weeks. All Christians should take courage from the scriptural evidence of how God uses each of us where ever we are planted.

We had a lovely last dinner at a restaurant beneath the acropolis, beautiful view and wonderful company relaxing with Carol and Vanessa and Jim!

Church of the Holy Apostles - Church Bell


Milion Mile Marker


Athens - hit the road running!