Austin Texas Trip! Baby Claire and Baptism!

We had the chance last week to fly down to Austin Texas to see our first grandchild! Honestly it was amazing. We have been looking forward to the day, but seeing that baby touched me in a profound way. Tim and Emily are doing a great job as new parents and we are so proud of them.

And maybe its crazy but seeing my wife hold her first grandchild was also a moment I won’t forget - as well as Margery crying as we pulled away from the house on the last day. Maybe its a strange “husband kind of thing” but WOW. I have a feeling we will be visiting more often.

Images and memories of my mom also filled my thoughts, as I found myself saying and doing the things she did with my kids when they were born. I can vividly recall her holding my kids and stretching their arms and saying “soooo big.” Very fun memories. God has blessed our family with a great deal of love.

As a dad who is also a Pastor, it was my privilege and honor to baptize Claire and welcome her to the family of faith. It meant a lot to me and was a ministry moment of great joy. I held it together and did not cry.

We did figure out why we don’t live in Texas: We had a record heat index day while there!! Very not comfortable outside. I like to joke (but am kind of serious) that my comfort zone is about 68-70 degrees +/- a degree or so. It’s a small zone. Obviously, 101 and humid was not in my zone.

One day Jake and I visited the Texas History Museum (while Margery and Megan walked around Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center (see above note about heat). I took some fun pictures. But baby Claire stole the show and our visit was centered around her schedule and seeing her as much as possible.

It was a great trip!


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