
Colossae Turkey. Some how there is something very exciting hiking up a grass covered hill to a site that has not been excavated. Knowing that layers of history lie under your feet and seeing square corners and pottery shards from history. There are exposed caves where there were tombs, visible remains of a bridge near by, all from the early church time period.

The question is did St Paul Travel to Colossae? Paul certainly traveled, worked and stayed in the region where Colosse was located (Acts 16:6; 18:23). Paul also taught in Ephesus. But, Colossians 2:1 causes doubt that Paul was actually in Colosse. "For I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh."

Is it that either the church in Colosse grew since Paul was last there or that the church came about only indirectly as a neighbor town where Paul did work?

Paul does mention in the letter to Philemon of his plans to visit. And Colosse is just a short distance from Laodicea so it is possible that Paul also visited Colossae, but we have no record of a visit.

An excavation is currently in the works.


Port of Cenchrae

