Corinth & Delphi

This morning we completed some drone footage around Corinth, and headed west along the gulf of Corinth. We crossed back over onto mainland Greece from the Peloponnese where the gulf meets the Ionian Sea and headed to Delphi. The day has been misty and foggy, which made for some gorgeous mountain pictures.

The Greeks have their Labor Day holiday today and so once we made it to Delphi, we drove around the area taking pictures but must wait until tomorrow to get into the archeological site. We hiked to the Corycian cave on Mount Parnassus - up higher than the Delphi site. Archeological finds from this cave date to 7,000 years ago when pre-Greek civilization worshipped the pagan god Pan here and brought offerings of jewelry, carved bones, later bronze figurines, animal knuckle bones (thousands of these, used as a sort of dice for fortune telling - the poor person form of Delphi oracle). The site required a white knuckle drive up some rutted dirt roads and finally a long steep hike… but it was worth it! The cave is massive and easy to explore and most importantly bat free!!!

We took many photos of roadside iconostases or kandilakia, the Greek version of a wayside shrine. They are small boxlike shrines that usually resemble a miniature church located on the side of the road at a spot where an accident has occurred. Somewhat like a cross at the side of our roads. These are detailed little shrines with pictures and candles and glass compartments for prayers and messages. We also stopped at a small chapel perched on the side of a mountain.

Tomorrow we will visit the Delphi archeological site and an area of monasteries at Meteori 3 hours north of Delphi… that will set us up for getting back on Paul’s trail the day after. Blessings to all of you!


Delphi & Meteora


Chenchrae, Isthmus, Diolkos & Corinth