Samaria. Mt Gerizim. Jerusalem

This morning we visited a sheepfold and shepherd fields that are examples of the fields mentioned in the birth account of Jesus. We also toured a home typical of the time of Jesus birth.

Then we drove to Mt Gerizim - so much Old Testament History (probably most significant was God speaking his blessings and curses at this site, Samaritans worshipping there, Joshua places an altar there...).  

We ended our day on the rampart walk along the top of the Walls that surround Jerusalem.  Awesome views in all directions included the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives. And of course we went exploring the city before bed again!! 

Two last things:  Isreal is very much monitoring the Conovirus situation.  Some sites here have been closed - nothing we have planned to see.  Our guide is very careful to tell us what we can eat and drink.  We feel very safe.  

Lastly I wanted to say we had several fun experiences watching families and young kids in the city and our travels today.  I was not sure of what they believe, but it reminded me that kids are kids all over the world.  As I walked the wall tonight as section looked down on some girls playing basket ball, they threw the ball up to me to try to make several shots (I am so bad at basket ball), it was very cute.  We could not speak the same language but we laughed and smiled. 

Another great day.


Masada. Qumran.


Temple Mount. Dome of the Rock. Bethesda Pools. Western Wall. Bethlehem