Forum of Augustus, Rome Italy
“In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered” Luke 2:1
Caesar Augustus is only mentioned one time in the Bible - but what an important mention! He was used by God to ensure the prophecy of the birth of the Messiah in the small town of Bethlehem would be fulfilled. Before he was Caesar Augustus, he was Gaius Octavius and adopted by Julius Caesar. When he succeeded Julius Caesar and triumphed over Marcus Lepidus and Mark Antony, he became Caesar Augustus. Luke more than any of the other gospels includes geopolitical references that are incredibly helpful in placing New Testament events within their time in history. Caesar Augustus is mentioned just once in scripture, but he is incredibly well attested to in archeology through inscriptions / historical writings / temples / ancient structures dedicated to him.
One such structure is the Forum of Augustus in Rome, located on the Via Dei Fori Imperiali. The Forum of Augustus was dedicated in 2 BC and housed a Temple to Mars Ultor (roman god of war). The Forum of Augustus held not only the Temple to Mars but also spaces for government and legal work. Ceremonies were held in the temple such as the commissioning of generals prior to heading off to war departing from the temple. When generals were victorious, they dedicated the spoils of war to the god Mars in the temple. The temple also stored the roman standards used in battle and standards lost in battle that were eventually recovered. A walk along the Via Dei Fori Imperiali today gives a view of several Imperial Fori - all still looking remarkable for their size and incredible structures, the ancient grandeur easy to imagine.
Forum of Augustus and the Temple of Mars Ultor (Roman god of war)