Freedom to post…

I have been posting a lot (multiple times a day) on social media both archeological biblical pictures, drone shots, and local places of interest. It has been fun to find some recent pictures and to post them for people to enjoy. I am loving the freedom to post both “spiritual” and local “odd” items. Being Higher Ground I give my-self full permission to post anything I want! LOL.

I am also enjoying “stalking” the people who follow me or like my pictures. Along with the odd people who have zero posts, follow 1000’s of people and seem to be scantily clad russian young women who want me to send them my pictures (why???) there are some really cool photographers, drone people from all over the world and even some archeologists Margery and I have purchased books from (that is super cool and might be a form of super nerd archeological “fan boy”?). If you have not checked out Higher Ground Drone on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter please like and follow (I promise to stalk you - please wear clothing).

And its also kind of embarrassing (#IhavenoideawhatIamdoing, #old #ithoughtthehashtagwasonlyjoke) but if you know how to increase followers and find local people I need to learn (#showme). I am looking for local side jobs and really if you want to fly me to some biblical location I will work very hard to get the shot for you!!!


The Roman Forum


Aqueduct - Caesarea Martima.