Italy Trip 2024 - Pozzuoli
Smooth sailing today! Cab came when called even though it was an unreasonably early hour (who sleeps in on vacation??) found the proper train and the second connection to Pozzuoli, someone came right away to let us into a really lovely apartment and we are settled. Thankful for all those answered prayers, whew!
It was a slower paced day with the time on the trains, and afternoon rain that meant we all got an afternoon nap - yay!!
Craig successfully got drone footage of the harbor in Pozzuoli where the Bible tells us Paul landed in Italy on his way to appeal to the emperor. The Bible says he arrived on Alexandrian ship. History documents that huge ships from Alexandria Egypt plied the Mediterranean bringing massive amounts of grain to the Puteoli harbor. From there, the grain and other goods were off loaded to smaller ships that sailed the last stretch to the harbor at Ostia Antica where we started our trip. There were patches of sun today that gave us beautiful pictures of the ancient Roman forum here and the harbor breakwater. The mole is exactly the same as in Paul’s day. But the original was encased in concrete. You’re directly responsible for.
We also took a quick look at a small traffic circle at the top of the hill that Pozzuoli is perched upon because just like now, in Paul’s day it was a juncture of roads, one of which led to Rome. There is one sad dirty little piece ancient paving left at the very spot, protected by a metal fence but not even a sign. I’m sure the locals thought we were crazy taking a picture of it lol.
Pozzuoli is a quaint ancient city built on steep hills above the harbor, but it is also dirty/grimy and unkempt … you can’t look too close . But I will say that we had the best, freshest most wonderful pastries of the whole trip here in Pozzuoli today, and also the least expensive, go figure.
Tomorrow we start at the traffic circle and walk 1.5 miles along Paul’s route to see some original paving, some 1st c BC and AD tombs, and some other remnants along Th e road. But the weather does look rainy - so we’ll see!
Good night as God bless! PB, Margery and Jacob
The ancient city of Pozzuoli. “…and after one day a south wind sprang up, and on the second day we came to Puteoli. There we found brothers and were invited to stay with them for seven days”. Acts 28:13-14