Bergama, Turkey (Biblical Pergamum)

In Turkey there are cut-out officers and police cars along side the roads.  We stopped for a break and there was one close.   The lights actually work on the fake car!!

Turkey’s lockdown was partially lifted today - and wow did that change the travel - we went from being alone to people and cars in Turkey!!  It was fun to see people out and about!

We first went to the site of Pergamum this morning.  A large site at the top of a mountain which boasts the steepest theater known - it was dizzying!  Pergamum was another difficult place for the early Christian community. There was aggressive worship of at least 5 Roman gods/goddesses with massive temples to each.  The book of Revelation calls the Zeus temple and platform the “seat of satan” - it was visible for many miles as it protruded from the side of the mountain.  An interesting aspect of the ruins was the infrastructure built into the side of the mountain to support the city and acropolis.  

From there we drove up the Aegean coast to the site of Assos. We will officially visit the site tomorrow, but today we walked around the back on a little local road to see the sea and the back of the site, got into a little trouble because apparently this area is “forbidden” - a term we hear a fair bit.

We then went looking for the remains of the Via Tauri - the Roman road that Paul walked from Alexander Troas to Assos at the end of his third missionary journey.  We found it!!  This was a bit of a trial for our patient and long suffering driver, but a real highlight for the group! In small sections the road exists the same as it did back in Paul’s day (approx 50 AD). 

Another great day.  Blessings to all.


Assos Turkey. Via Tauri. Alexander Troas.


Izmir, Turkey (Biblical Smyrna)