Turkey and Greece Biblical Studies Trip May 2025

Ephesus Turkey

 St Paul’s Biblical Travels - you could travel there too!

Please call or text pastor ASAP if you are interested!!
New commitment day with deposit: July 1st, 2024

Pastor and Margery are planning on traveling to Turkey and Greece with their friend and guide Dr. James Martin of Bible World Seminars in May 2025. 

There are open spaces on this trip and if you have an interest, these are the preliminary details:

• approximate dates are the last 2 weeks of May.  The exact dates and specific biblical sites won’t be finalized for a few months, but it will be the last half of May. (see itinerary for full details below).

• approximate cost will be $4500 per person (double occupancy) plus airfare to Istanbul and return.  

• Any short flights during the trip (a possible day on Cyprus) are included.

• entry fees to archeological sites and museums, dinner, breakfast, lodging are all included. 

• there might also be the possibility of adding “extensions" at the end of the trip to go to additional biblical sites.

If you think you might be interested, the first thing to do is check your passport (or apply for one now). 

Passports must be valid for 6 months beyond the dates of the trip.  

Visiting these biblical sites is an awesome experience!  

Please also feel free to pass this on to family, friends and others who might be interested!

Let Pastor or Margery know that you are interested - this isn’t a commitment, just interest. 

New Up Date - things are moving fast…;.
June 9, 2024

Greetings Friends!

 There have been a good number of requests for a Bible study program on Paul’s journeys in Turkey and Greece with an optional extension to the Island of Patmos (Book of Revelation).  As “friends” you are aware that I will do everything in my power to providepositive and memorable experiences at safe locations and in clean and comfortable hotels.  That said, since international travel these days is so unpredictable, price, itinerary, and housing are subject to change without notice for anything that occurs beyond my control.  In other words, this trip is only for those who have no expectations, can be flexible, easy going, friendly . . . and smile, sing, and pray in difficulties!! 😊

 Paul’s journeys in Turkey and Greece dates are May 17-30, 2025 flying into Istanbul (IST) May17th (or earlier) and departing May 30th (or later). The extension to Patmos will begin the late afternoon of May 30th with an overnight ferry from Piraeus harbor arriving Patmos 2:30 a.m. May 31st. Patmos hotel from 2:30 am - 11:30 pm May 31st.  Return ferry departs Patmos (11:30 pm) May 31st arriving in Athens 8 a.m. June 1st. 

 The program begins in Istanbul with 3p.m. check-in available on May 17th and concludes after breakfast in Athens on May 30th. Hotel contact information is noted in the daily itinerary below. Everyone is responsible for their own transportation from the Istanbul International airport (IST) to the hotel May 17th and the Athens hotel to Athens International airport (ATH) on May 30th.   Also, everyone is responsible for making their own reservations if they wish to arrive on an earlier date or depart on a later date.

 The price for the main program is $4,500 and includes entrance fees, guide and driver fees / tips, bus transportation, 2 flights (Antalya, Turkey to Turkish North Cyprus Salamis, and Larnaka Greek Cyprus to Athens, Greece), and hotels (based on 2 per room) with breakfast and dinner at hotels except for Istanbul and Athens which are based on “bed and breakfast.” The price for the optionto Patmos depends on our numbers and on what class of ferry service you want (between $250-$500 per person).

 Since air tickets must be purchased ASAP by our Turkish and Greek agents for 2 flights, a copy of your valid passport (passport expiration date must be after Nov 1, 2025) and a $750 non-refundable payment must be received no later than Monday, July 1, 2024 with final payment due Feb. 17, 2025. (Unobscured Passport photo page can be texted to me at ….)   

 Travel and Medical Insurance is a necessity! There is NO REFUND accept through purchasing an insurance policy that will cover the expressed specific issues noted in the policy once money is sent overseas or medical expenses are incurred while traveling, There are many options for travel and medical insurance so please check carefully before purchase to ensure the coverage meets your needs. I do not endorse any insurance options. I am aware that folks have used the following providers:  Faith Ventures https://www.faithventures.com;  Allianz  https://www.allianztravelinsurance.com;  International SOS Travel Insurance https://www.insuremytrip.com; and Travel Guard https://www.tavelguard.com; 

 Not Included:   Turkish Visa – apply at http://www.evisa.gov.tr ; Travel and Medical Insurance,  lunches, snacks, bottled water, drinks at meals (except for breakfast), personal items, international air transportation, medical and travel insurance. *Dinners are not included in Istanbul or Athens.

Paul’s Travels – Turkey and Greece

May 17-30, 2024

 Day 1 - Fri. May 16 Depart USA

 Day 2 – Sat. May 17       Arrival Istanbul IST – Overnight Istanbul – Hotel Holiday Inn Topkapı - Turgut Ozal Cad. (Millet Cad.) 189 Topkapi 34104 Istanbul, Turkey (+90) 212 5309900

 Day 3  Sun. May 18        Full day Istanbul excursion – Overnight Istanbul – Hotel Holiday Inn Topkapı  (+90) 212 5309900

 Day 4  Mon. May 19       After early breakfast drive for visits to Alexander Troas and Assos - Dinner and overnight Hotel Asos Kervansaray  Behram Köyü İskele Mevkii Ayvacık, Çanakkale ( +90) 286 721 7093

 Day 5  Tue. May 20        Continue our travels south adjacent the Aegean coast with stops in ancient Pergamum and Ephesus -  Dinner and overnight Kuşadası - Hotel Korumar   Türkmen Mah. Gazi Beğendi Bulvarı No: 21 09400 Kuşadası/Aydın/Turkey  (+90) 256 618 15 30

 Day 6  Wed. May 21       Full day exploration of Ephesus and the burial place of the Apostle St John’s - Dinner and overnight Kuşadası - Hotel Korumar  (+90) 256 618 15 30

 Day 7  Thu. May 22        Drive south to Miletus where Paul met with the elders from Ephesus as he was completing his third journey – From Miletus we travel East through the Lycus valley into central Turkey to visit the region of Paul’s letter to the Colossians.  Dinner and overnight Pamukale – Hotel Pam Pamukkale Karahayıt Mahallesi 120. Sağlık Sokak No:5/1 20290 Pamukkale - Denizli  (+90) 258 271 41 40

 Day 8  Fri. May 23         Full day exploration of Laodicea, Hierapolis, Colossae – Continue to Isparta - - Dinner and overnight Isparta – Hotel Barida Isparta  102. Cad No: 81 –Isparta (+90) 532 134 72 01

 Day 9  Sat. May 24         Drive north to Pisidian Antioch where Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians  - Return to  Isparta - Dinner and overnight Hotel Barida Isparta (+90) 532 134 72 01

 Day 10  Sun. May 25      Travel south to the visit the harbor cities of Antalya and Perge where John Mark left Paul and Bar-nabas on their first journey - Dinner and overnight  Antalya -  Antalya Nashira Hotel  Sakıp Sabancı Bulv. No:12 Muratpaşa/Antalya  (+90) 242 238 55 01

 Day 11  Mon. May 26     Early  A.M. flight from Antalya to North Cyprus, Salamis, Turkey  - Visit Salamis hometown and burial spot ofBar-nabas – Afternoon Transfer via border crossing into Greek Cyprus.  Continue to Paphos where Paul, Bar-nabas, and John Mark met the Roman proconsul, Sergius Paulus.   Dinner and overnight – Larnaca, Cyprus, Greece.

 Day 12  Tue. May 27      Morning excursions on Greek Cyprus – Mid-afternoon flight from Larnaca to Athens.   Late afternoon visit to Mars Hill where Paul encountered the city leaders and philosophers in Acts 17.  *Dinner on own - Overnight – Herodion Hotel – Athens, (tel) +30 214 4025700 - #4 Rovertou Galli str, Acropolis

 Day 13 Wed. May 28      Full day study of Paul’s stay in Athens (Acts 18) including the Parthenon, Greek and Roman Forum, and Athens National Archaeological Museum. *Dinner on own - Overnight – Herodion Hotel – Athens, (tel) +30 214 4025700

 Day 14 Thu.  May 29      Full day visit to Corinth, Cenchrea and the surrounding region as we discuss Paul’s two letters to the Corinthian church.  *Dinner on own - Overnight – Herodion Hotel – Athens, (tel) +30 214 4025700

 Day 15 Fri. May 30  Return Flight to the USA  

Additional Information and Registration

1) Passports and ID’s:  Passports must be valid for 6 months after your airline ticket return date back to the USA.   Important: Make a photocopy of your Passport picture and signature page (keep it in a different location than your Passport). Also bring your driver’s license or other legal form of identification other than your passport.  Please Note: Your passport must be on your person at all times along with the print out of your Turkish e-Visa.

2) Packing Information:  Please pack light and bring clothes you can wash in the sink and dry overnight.  It can be hot, cold, wet, and dry all on the same day. Everyone is responsible for carrying their own luggage.  Please no fancy clothes; old outdoor clothes that you can leave behind are just fine for our daily field trips.  Casual dress is adequate for dinner (men should wear collared shirts at dinner.)  Please do not bring expensive jewelry.  Shorts, low-cut shirts, tight shirts and shirts with sleeves above biceps are not allowed in churches, synagogues, mosques or countryside in certain cultural areas.  Hat with full round brim; U.V. protective sunglasses; single jack ear-buds (e.g. for use on treadmills and airplane T.V. monitor’s for our audio listening devices) are vital.  Bring a sitting cushion or a small camping chair or stool that is easy for you to carry on field trips (as rocks get hard).  Often hotels do not provide washcloths, so bring your own if you like.  Also, bring a towel, swimsuit, and swim cap if you plan swim in the hotel pools or the hot springs at Pamukale.  We walk extensively (often more than 5 miles a day), so please wear lightweight, non-slippery walking-shoes that can get muddy and wet.  A collapsible walking stick also comes in handy. Please remember credit/debit cards, backpack, Bible, two-pronged 220 volt European adaptor plugs, flashlight, camera, batteries, medication, prescriptions, personal items, earplugs, sunscreen, antibacterial wet wipes, tissues, and compact travel umbrella for rain/extra shade).

Rooms, Meals, and Restrooms:  Twin beds are used in most hotels. Breakfast and dinner will be at the hotel except for Istanbul and Athens where dinners will be on our own. Plan on about $300 -$500 per person to cover lunches and dinner, snacks, bottled water, and drinks not included at meals. We try to stop for restrooms every 1 ½ - 2 hours.

 Money:  ATM’s are available if you have Visa or Master debit cards. Travelers Checks are difficult to cash so they are not useful. Please inform your financial institution if you plan to use your credit or debit cards overseas.

 Electricity:  Turkey and Greece use 220-V with a variety of prong types. (USA uses 110-V).  Therefore, you will want to bring an International Universal Travel Adapter which has one or more Usb connections.

New Update…

 Greetings friends - Please pass this information to anyone whom you may have contacted about this trip - There will be a slight change to the itinerary due to political issues between Greece and Turkey - The Greek government will not allow us to come from Turkish Cyprus Salamis into Greek Cyprus Paphos and then fly on to Athens - We will be amending the trip to include the island of Patmos as part of the program and try to get to Greek Cyprus Paphos from Patmos but not sure we can - (therefore there is now no need for the optional trip to Patmos) - If we can't get to Greek Cyprus Paphos at least we traded Greek Cyprus Paphos for the island of Patmos (Revelation) - We still plan to go to Turkish Cyprus Salamis -  Send you an updated itinerary as soon as I have the details- blessings!


PB & Margery



Arch of Titus, Rome, Italy


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