Balloon Ride in Cappadocia

May 12,2023

Today was a transition day. We needed to fly from Cappadocia to Istanbul to be in position for our flight to Malta in the morning to see the potential sites of Paul’s ship wreck on his sea voyage to Rome. We also had to say goodbye to a few of the group who are not continuing on, and to our wonderful Turkish friend Belgin.

We were given a generous gift of hot air balloon rides early in the morning before leaving Cappadocia! The morning was a bit foggy but that did not detract from an awesome experience of floating over the otherworldly Cappadocia landscape! Our pilot brought us through some ravines in rock formation and took us high up over the rocks. I’ll let the pictures say the rest!

After the flight to Istanbul, a few of us went to the grand bazaar and the spice bazaar and capped off the evening with a boat ride on the Bosporus - the waterway between the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea - between Asia and Europe. We are feeling confident with the public transportation in the old city now!

We have an early start tomorrow to get back into the Apostle Paul’s trail!


Malta - St. Paul’s Bay and drone disaster!

