Caesarea Marítima. Mt Carmel. Korazim. Sea of Galilee

We headed out early to Caesarea Maritima on the Mediterranean Sea Coast.  

On the way we stopped at Megiddo - Old Testament admin center and temple complex (battle Ground of History).  We walked through a tunnel that was made before King Solomon’s time to reach a spring just outside the walls of the city.  

Caesarea Maritima was the headquarters of Pontius Pilate who sentenced Jesus to death, Paul was imprisoned for two years, and It was the home of Philip.  Caesarea became one of the centers of Christianity in the early Church.  It was Rome away from Rome. Herod The Great built the harbor and city. 

Next we moved on to Mt. Carmel. The place of fire where Elijah held contest with the prophets of Baal and God showed His power.  

After a quick lunch we headed to Korazim where they lowered the man through the roof for Jesus to heal. 

On the way back we stopped in the area of the Sermon on the mount or beatitudes area, feeding of the 5000, and calling of Peter, Andrew, James and John. 


Sea of Galilee. Magdala. COVID19


Bet She’an. Nazareth. Sea of Galilee