Lion’s Gate & Hattusa

Lion’s Gate Hattusa Turkey. Hattusa was the capital city of the Hittite empire from 1700’s to 1200’s BC - contemporary with the era of Abrahams family and with the period of the Judges of Israel. Abraham purchased the family burial cave from Hittites (Gen 23). God promised much of the land of the Hittites to Joshua and the Israelites (Joshua 1:4).

The Lion Gate was built in the early 14th century BC. There once were wooden doors that opened inwards. The statues of the front halves of two lions that gave the gate its name, were carved in huge blocks of rock on both sides of the external doors.

This is a huge site and is very cool. Margery and I have developed a strange fascination with the Hittites. Biblical History Archeology Nerds.


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