St Paul’s Outside the Walls

Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. This church was originally a place of pilgrimage built over Paul’s tomb in the area of his beheading (67AD) near the end of Nero’s reign. When emperor Constantine declared freedom of worship in 313AD, he had basilicas built over the tombs of Peter ( St Peter’s Basilica) and Paul. St Paul’s basilica was consecrated in 330 AD. It became the largest basilica in Rome. The building survived earthquakes in 442 and 1349 and the sacking of Rome several times. In 1823 there was a terrible fire and the church required major reconstruction. The art work is beyond our ability to describe. All around the interior perimeter are portraits of every pope in order. The sarcophagus of St Paul can be seen in the crypt beneath the alter area.


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