Scripture in Stone 501C3 is now approved!

We have been trying to wait patiently over the last few months for our 501C3 status to be legally approved.

We have finally received
the official IRS paperwork!!

This was an important step. And now that it is completed we can start officially moving forward with our dream of sending pastors to the Holy Land.

The next step is finding others who not only see and agree with the vision, but also want to support it with their prayers and finances. We ask you to prayerful consider a donation!

Also, our circle of friends and followers is very small, the next step has to be consideration of how we can reach a larger audience. We request that you might consider passing our website or information on to people you might know who would want to also support the mission and vision of Scripture in Stone.

We feel very strongly that through this experience Pastors (and their spouses), the congregations they serve, and also future generations of Christians would grow in their understanding of the places and world of the Scriptures.

We have updated the link for the “donate” button on our website to a more professional and secure donation site, that will even send out tax deductible receipts need for taxes!

We are super excited to see where God is leading us in this new ministry. Craig & Margery


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