Blog Posts & Travels
Rome’s Drinking Fountains
A closer look. Rome and it’s drinking fountains.
Damascus Gate Story
A closer look. The Damascus Gate story.
Storm on Sea of Galilee
A closer look. The Sea of Galilee - Storm!
Hezakiah’s Tunnel
A closer look. Hezakiah’s Tunnel. (7th Century BC)
Lydia & River near Philippi
A closer look. The Chapel dedicated to Lydia and Baptism.
Via Appia Antica - another ancient Roman road!
A closer look. The Via Appia Antica
St. George Carving!
A closer look. First night in Jerusalem.
Smyrna Water
A closer look. Smyrna Turkey
First Sunday Back…
I Stood Up - how could you not?!
Dancing Bird
A closer look. Late night Jerusalem - dancing bird.
Ancient Artifact?
A closer look. Petra artifact.
Hip Surgeries
Hip Surgery Recovery - Grounded Drone Operations.
Machpelah - Hebron Israel
A closer look. The site of the tombs of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob and Leah.
Huge Sculpture
A closer Look. Huge sculptures.
Posts, Posts and more…
A Closer Look Series!
(PS… The picture is the door handle to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher)
Syntagma Square Athens Greece
A closer look. Syntagma (Constitution) Square Athens Greece
The Euphrates River
A closer Look. The Euphrates River.
Duluth Lift Bridge
A recent visit to Duluth. We love Duluth and the Lift Bridge.
Petra & Little Girl
A closer Look. Petra. How is this possible?
Puteoli Italy
A closer look. Puteoli Italy Harbor